Drum n bass!
Finally I see some more real drum n bass on Newgrounds!
I like that intro synth sweep thing. Nice work on that. The vocal sample is cool too.
I think that overall the intro was too short and not diverse enough. Make it 4 or 8 bars or even more if you want, and add in some cool samples or pads. Try to get the feeling of building up to the main part.
Kick: Needs more punch! It sounds like you low passed it at 100 Hz, destroying its attack. Either find another sample with more 1kHz, or distort the one you have until it sounds right. Make it louder too.
Snare: Really distorted sounding! If you're using a distortion module, you may want to decrease the damage level a little bit so the sample isn't completely distroyed.
Perc: Nice. Lol. You should throw in some high-passed crashes every so often to add high end to the mix.
Bass: Awesome sound! Reminds me of Concussion so much I'm wondering if you ripped it... lol.
The bassline was pretty neat. It sounds a little random and boring after a while. Try automating some filters to give the line a whole different attitude.
Synth pads: Bleargh!
It's good to use them in break points for added atmosphere, but playing them throughout the song at high volume just gets in the way and muddies up the mix. at 1:15, the pads get out of control. They're way too loud, and too many at the same time. They also don't support the bassline enough. If you're going to use pads, be sure to make the melodies with the bassline in mind.
Using lots of synth melodies is where most "DnB" artists on Newgrounds go wrong. No, you won't be cool like Pendulum if you use 5 different synth leads that dominate the mix and block out the stuff that you actually put effort into like the drums or bass.
A good technique for pads is to keep them out of other instruments' frequency ranges, and keep the volume as low as possible so you can still hear it.
Overall Mix:
Drums good.
Bass louder.
Pads much quieter.
Less compression.
The bass, not the pads, should always be one of the dominant instruments in the mix. Get the drums and bass to cooperate and blend well together, then add quiter background effects that add diversity to the song.
Song structure:
Longer intro.
Make a middle part with a different bassline. It sounds really cool and keeps the song interesting.
4/5 Good job on weekly first! I'm looking forward to the final mix.