Great! Howeva...
You have that same cool intro with the pads and the atmosphere and the da da la la poo poo, and you added more percussion stuff that's good. Lots of diversity there.
The orchestration sounded pretty good. I'll talk more about that later.
The final buildup at 1:20 is pretty nice. It keeps me waiting in suspense even though I know what's gonna happen next ;)
Drop 1:
Drums - Great! The kick and snare need more punch and dominance in the mix, though.
Bass - I can hear some changes you made from the preview. Great sound!
Pads n stuff: Everything else adds nice atmosphere to the piece, but remember to keep it down in volume so it doesn't overwhelm the important stuff.
Overall mix - Muddy as a pig in shit. I can't hear the cool drum and bass frequencies enough, and something is generating muddyness and it's really annoying lol! That part needs better mastering.
Then there's a wierd little break thing with the drumline and a pad. I don't know if you were going to put something else there, but it sounds too open to me.
Nice tom fill. Kinda unconvential, but that's what DngB is all about! :D
Drop 2: (after the toms)
In comes the melody! The synth sounds better than before, good change there.
Actually, when I said I didn't like the synth, I meant that you should get rid of it entirely. Ah well. At least it sounds better than before.
Yah, the melody is ok and all, but don't let it take over the bass. It was too loud and made the bass not as cool.
This is where all the fun happens. The new bassline is pretty awesome, and the drums are still good.
The FX in that part are too loud and distracting, though.
In this part especially, I can hear that the song sounds too slow.164 is slow for a dnb song. That part alone in the mid 170s would sound almost better than the other part entirely.
Drop 3:
Nothing new, just bringing back that old melody. Which is a good thing. That's the best way to make a song sound much cooler than it is, take a break from the cool part a bit, play something else not as cool, then bring it back! YAY! lol.
Ok, now the scolding part:
Orchestration: I dunno. It's a really cool thing for trance or something, but in dnb it sounds kinda out of place. That's just my opinion.
Melody synth thing: Ok, great melody, but let's take a moment to break down the genre:
Drums - you got those down.
Bass - not much complaint there.
So you have those two. The two dominant components that make the genre what it is. The third component is NOT LEAD SYNTHS. THERE IS NO THIRD DOMINANT COMPONENT. DRUM AND BASS. THAT'S IT. I'm not saying that you have to be DJ Krust and make a song with just drums and bass. You have to be DJ Krust to do that. Just don't put in the synthesizer things.
This is mostly Pendulum's fault. They started the whole thing, playing lead synths along with dnb beats and calling it dnb. But it's really not. No, ladies and gentlemen, Pendulum is NOT DRUM N BASS. They are just Pendulum, and they will never amount to anything more then Pendulum. Darkstep drum n bass is not all about crazy lead melodies or guitars or wobbly basses. It's about punchy drums and big distorted basslines. Sci-fi style pads and fx sounds also add a whole bunch of flavor.
So please, just stop making the leads and put more effort into the bass instead. The bass in this song is great, but I can never get enough of it because it's being blocked out by the lead and the pads and all the stuff in the background.
Newgrounds has absorbed this stupid style of music, and most people who think they make drum n bass actually make some sort of wierd dnb-trance-vg crossover I call Drum NG Bass (DngB).
This song is pretty far from most DngB that most people make, but it is still DngB.
Overall mix: Too muddy. Drums need more punch, bass needs more loud, and everything else needs more quiet.
Don't get me wrong. I can hear intense amounts of effort in this song. You are one of the hardest workers on NG, I can give you that. And for that reason, I bestow upon you...
A 5/5. Lol.